
As founder Sam Kitchell wisely noted throughout his life, Kitchell is only where it is today because of the quality of our people. We are fortunate to employ the best,…


…each other, to our clients and to the bottom line. With a summer experience at Kitchell, you’ll learn how this sense of ownership permeates throughout our workforce, and hopefully you’ll…

MGC Pure Chemicals Purification Plant & Expansions

…monitor­ing of all devices and systems operations, and UPS and emergency generator systems for controls. H2O2 EXPANSION Expansion of MGC’s production line in the construction of a laboratory building with…


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Kitchell began as a commercial contracting business and over the years developed new talents and enterprises, acquiring complementary businesses and expertise to remain a competitive, privately-owned company. Today, the employee-owned…

The Phoenician Resort & Spa

…center with a personal training gym. Finally, the Athletic Club was expanded to include a brand new fitness center, 10 new tennis courts, basketball court, and updated golf cart parking….